Database Service
First, update the system, install the database manager and check that it is running:
on your remote SSH session:
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo apt install mariadb-server
sudo systemctl status mariadb
Open MariaDB shell and set up the database
on your remote SSH session:
sudo mariadb
Once in the MariaDB environment, follow the next steps:
-- Create your database:
CREATE DATABASE yourdatabase;
-- Optionally, you can check newly created database:
-- Provide admin credentials to an user and reload the cache:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON yourdatabase.* TO "youruser"@"localhost" IDENTIFIED BY "yourpassword";
-- Optionally, you can query the users and their privileges:
SELECT User FROM mysql.user;
SHOW GRANTS FOR "youruser"@"localhost";
-- exit MariaDB:
Secure the installation with the following script:
on your remote SSH session:
sudo mysql_secure_installation
after which you will need to change the way you invoke the MariaDB environment to:
on your remote SSH session:
mariadb -u youruser -p
In one of the next chapters you will benefit of the PHP programming language to install an useful web tool to administer your MariaDB databases.